Selecta Dry Garden
[Go to exhibitor profile]( Selecta's Planta Morgana concept presents plants that do well to very well even in increasingly dry summers with little rainfall. These include delosperma, purslane, sedum types, summer phlox and lantana - but also various pelargoniums, calibrachoa and pot carnations have defied the drought in trials in cooperation with LVG Heidelberg and performed particularly well. More info in [Selectas one magazine]( (issue 1) on page 18+19.
Royal Flora Holland: Cuddly Cactus
[Go to exhibitor profile]( Exclusive Cuddly Cactus has the special feature that it does not wear needles. Cuddly Cactus is a stylish, modern and trendy cactus. Cuddly Cactus with its soft character is also ideal for households with children or pets.
Knecht: Sales Tables
[Go to exhibitor profile]( The trend of sales table systems is clearly in the direction of "flexibility in use, customer-oriented design, use of sustainable building materials and automation of irrigation". I.e. the customers can order our sales tables - individually and project-oriented in different sizes and dimensions. - order in mobile or fixed design. - order with several shelves, - order in individual RAL colors and patterns. - clad with fascia boards of various types of wood.
Blijplantje / De Gezonde Verleiding: Tea
[Go to exhibitor profile]( Blijplantje offers a wide range of plants based on Chinese and Ayurvedic herbalism that supports and has a beneficial effect on our wellbeing. Just by putting a few leaves in a glass of hot water and drink it like a tea. We offer plants, both fresh and dried, that support different areas such as: Immunity, Energy, Detox, D-stress, Relax/Sleep and Dokter Love. The leaves contain different elements that contributes positively to our wellbeing, for instance anti oxidants and flavonoids.
The Pots Company: Ecopots
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Slijkerman: Kalanchoë
[Go to exhibitor profile]( The Kalanchoë is a small and extremely strong succulent with brightly coloured small flowers. The flowers range widely in colour, from white, pink, red, yellow and orange to purple. Good to know: the Kalanchoë is not only a houseplant, it will also enjoy a spot on the balcony or the terrace during the summer months. So when the days are long and nights are short, move the plant outside, as it will bloom with even more enthusiasm than when kept inside. Over all the kalanchoë is a very easy plant to look after. A little water, a bit of sun, a nice spot in the house. That’s all it actually needs.
Plantics B.V.: DOPA Plant pots
[Go to exhibitor profile]( DOPA Plant pots made from natural, mostly recycled materials. Biodegradable and therefore suitable for composting. And perfectly suited to large-scale, automated cultivation. Superior: one pot suitable for cultivation, sales and consumption in homes and gardens Natural: made of natural, mostly recycled materials, biodegradable, compostable, up to 50% CO₂-reduction, natural look and feel
Plantics B.V.: DOPA Plant pots
[Go to exhibitor profile]( DOPA Plant pots made from natural, mostly recycled materials. Biodegradable and therefore suitable for composting. And perfectly suited to large-scale, automated cultivation. Superior: one pot suitable for cultivation, sales and consumption in homes and gardens Natural: made of natural, mostly recycled materials, biodegradable, compostable, up to 50% CO₂-reduction, natural look and feel
Knecht: Cannabis table with lamp structure
[Go to exhibitor profile]( Aluminum table with steel base - including plastic flooring and connection valves for automated circuit irrigation, - including lamp assembly made of galvanized steel, - including manual height adjustment of the lamp assembly.
Knecht: Tier table for perennials
[Go to exhibitor profile]( including 3 table frames with plastic covering, - including 2 aluminum sign holders DIN A4 for product labeling, - optional sign bridge available
Slijkerman: Kalanchoë
[Go to exhibitor profile]( The Kalanchoë is a small and extremely strong succulent with brightly coloured small flowers. The flowers range widely in colour, from white, pink, red, yellow and orange to purple. Good to know: the Kalanchoë is not only a houseplant, it will also enjoy a spot on the balcony or the terrace during the summer months. So when the days are long and nights are short, move the plant outside, as it will bloom with even more enthusiasm than when kept inside. Over all the kalanchoë is a very easy plant to look after. A little water, a bit of sun, a nice spot in the house. That’s all it actually needs.
Floritec: Chrysanthemums
[Go to exhibitor profile]( The chrysanthemums of breeder Floritec offer endless possibillities for creating creative bouquets and arrangements. There are a lot of series, for example the Santini series Ellison, that are available in several nice colours. The stems are sturdy and well weighted. The quality is excellent and the transportability is very good.
Hawita-technoplant: New plant pots 100% PCR
[Go to exhibitor profile]( Hawita technoplant's plant pots are now also available in a PCR variant. "PCR" in the plastics world stands for "Post Consumer Recycling". The raw material for our PCR plant pots therefore comes virtually directly from the yellow bag. Only a small amount of color is added to the pots, which are available in gray or a shade of blue. The new raw material, which bears the EuCertPlast seal, does not affect the well-known high quality
Hawita-technoplant: Palettino
[Go to exhibitor profile]( Good for the environment: Palettino is the clever and proven reusable system for transporting and cultivating your plants. All Palettinos are break-proof, UV-resistant and insensitive to frost. They can be stored outside and are easy to clean - even with a high-pressure cleaner. To ensure successful culture, professional cleaning and disinfection of Palettino reusable, transport and culture plates is important. With modern washing equipment, cleaning and disinfection of the reusable tray can be carried out professionally and reliably.
Hawita-technoplant: The Sustainable
[Go to exhibitor profile]( For environmentally conscious amateur gardeners: Hawita launches new soil line "The Sustainable". Especially hobby gardeners are very concerned about nature and its preservation. With the new product line 'Die Nachhaltige', Hawita offers a real alternative to conventional soils without compromising on quality. The peat-reduced soils are produced with high-quality renewable raw materials and ensure safe cultivation. The packaging consists of more than 80 percent PCR. Also available are the peat-free and peat-reduced Fruhstorfer organic soils.
Selecta: Scented carnation
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Oerlemans Packaging Group: The Dutch Plastic Pact
[Go to exhibitor profile]( The Oerlemans Packaging Group has signed the Dutch Plastic Pact together with more than 60 leaders of other industries. The main goal of the Pact is to do more with less plastic in the circular economy. This is in line with our own sustainability ambitions. Cooperation with other stakeholders is the most powerful aspect of the Plastic Pact: Co-creating sustainable solutions!
Oerlemans Packaging Group: Goals
[Go to exhibitor profile]( Oerlemans has following goals by working together to achieve the following by 2025: - 20% less plastic usage due to smarter and thinner packaging. - Application of at least 35% recycled plastic. - Recycling of at least 70% of all single-use plastic products and packaging. - Plastic products and packaging are designed to be 100% recyclable
Diderk Heinje Pflanzenhandel GmbH & Co. KG
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new Tag
Reindonkse Tuin BV: Sweet potatoe plants
[Go to exhibitor profile]( You can note the new sweet potato plants, available for B2B and B2C. Learn how sustainable we produce.
Hawita-technoplant: Balcony pots
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Pellens Hortensien: Hydrangea
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Plantics B.V.: DOPA Plant pots
[Go to exhibitor profile]( DOPA Plant pots made from natural, mostly recycled materials. Biodegradable and therefore suitable for composting. And perfectly suited to large-scale, automated cultivation. Superior: one pot suitable for cultivation, sales and consumption in homes and gardens Natural: made of natural, mostly recycled materials, biodegradable, compostable, up to 50% CO₂-reduction, natural look and feel
Speakers' Corner
The Speakers' Corner is part of the IPM Discovery Center in Hall 7. Come by and experience exciting discussion rounds on various relevant topics for the future. [Go to program](
REIMANN: Shading fabrics
[Go to exhibitor profile]( REIMANN shading fabrics are characterized by their strong structure and high textile content. They are flame retardant, extremely durable and offer an optimal climate for people and plants. Especially for garden centers, there is a wide range of design options and color variants.
Bailey Nurseries: Endless Summer Hydrangea
Selecta: Dahlia
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The Pots Company: Ecopots
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Air So Pure
[Go to exhibitor profile]( Air So Pure plants convert CO2 into oxygen and purify the air of harmful gases. In a healthier indoor climate, we feel more vital, are fitter and perform better. Multiple studies have proven that indoor plants keep you healtier and happier offering both psychological and fysical health benefits. Resulting in lower stress and anxiety.
Air So Pure: 15th Anniversary
[Go to exhibitor profile]( Air So Pure is celabrating it‘s 15 years aniversary. Air So Pure is known by trade and consumers for the high quality and strong air purifying plants. Our plants are clearly recognisable by the label and the packaging. Air So Pure plants are grown by passionated growers and covering all populair sizes and varieties. Our plants are tested for admission by an independent research center and deliveries are continiously monitored by independent quality control.
Air So Pure
[Go to exhibitor profile]( Air So Pure plants convert CO2 into oxygen and purify the air of harmful gases. In a healthier indoor climate, we feel more vital, are fitter and perform better. Multiple studies have proven that indoor plants keep you healtier and happier offering both psychological and fysical health benefits. Resulting in lower stress and anxiety.
Air So Pure
[Go to exhibitor profile]( Air So Pure plants convert CO2 into oxygen and purify the air of harmful gases. In a healthier indoor climate, we feel more vital, are fitter and perform better. Multiple studies have proven that indoor plants keep you healtier and happier offering both psychological and fysical health benefits. Resulting in lower stress and anxiety.
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Cultivaris GmbH
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Royal Flora Holland: Fusion hydrangea
[Go to exhibitor profile]( Flowers for at least 5 months. Color through in 4 different shades during the 4 seasons. Grows back as a more branched hydrangea after the color through period. This makes the product circular and therefore environmentally friendly.
Royal Flora Holland: Celosia Wild Purple
[Go to exhibitor profile]( The Celosia ‘Wild’ is exactly what the name suggests: a pure, uninhibited and untamed Celosia as it would grow in the wild. Selected for their suitability for gardens, borders and pots, they guarantee a splash of colour in every garden. This pure power is accompanied by variations in shape and size that further underline the natural feel. Celosia ‘Wild’: Pure Nature. What makes Celosia ‘Wild’ a sustainable choice?
Diderk Heinje Pflanzenhandel GmbH & Co. KG: Fragrant rose
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Selecta Nature Garden
[Go to exhibitor profile]( The Nature Garden concept includes varieties from the Selecta assortment that have been tested in the multi-year trials with various partners, particularly insect-friendly: e.g. Bracteantha 'Mohave Yellow', Dahlia Dalaya® Meena 'Krishna', Gaura 'Belleza White '14' and Heliotropium 'Marino Blue'. More info in [Selectas one magazine]( (issue 1) on page 20+21
Bailey Nurseries
Knecht: Sales Tables
[Go to exhibitor profile]( The trend of sales table systems is clearly in the direction of "flexibility in use, customer-oriented design, use of sustainable building materials and automation of irrigation". I.e. the customers can order our sales tables - individually and project-oriented in different sizes and dimensions. - order in mobile or fixed design. - order with several shelves, - order in individual RAL colors and patterns. - clad with fascia boards of various types of wood.
Diderk Heinje Pflanzenhandel GmbH & Co. KG: Roses
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Diderk Heinje Pflanzenhandel GmbH & Co. KG: Roses
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The Pots Company: Ecopots
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Slijkerman: Kalanchoë
[Go to exhibitor profile]( The Kalanchoë is a small and extremely strong succulent with brightly coloured small flowers. The flowers range widely in colour, from white, pink, red, yellow and orange to purple. Good to know: the Kalanchoë is not only a houseplant, it will also enjoy a spot on the balcony or the terrace during the summer months. So when the days are long and nights are short, move the plant outside, as it will bloom with even more enthusiasm than when kept inside. Over all the kalanchoë is a very easy plant to look after. A little water, a bit of sun, a nice spot in the house. That’s all it actually needs.
Trend: Nature
Trend: Transition Nature
Trend: Happy
Hawita-technoplant: Hanging pots
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Diderk Heinje Pflanzenhandel GmbH & Co. KG
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Who is Romeo Sommers?
As a creative business consultant and inspirator Romeo travels the world boosting the innovative (green) success of businesses with his out-of-the-box way of thinking and working. He can turn your project into a success and, as a trendwatcher and well-known TV presenter (for example for the RTL 4 ‘Koffietijd’ morning programme), Romeo regularly gives lectures, workshops and demonstrations.Organisers of exhibitions and events, as well as growers, producers and shops and retail chains in the green sector, call on Romeo’s expertise whenever they know it is time to take a new approach. They do so because Romeo helps them realise that being green never loses its charisma and always makes things more appealing, provided it is used in an inspiring way. This is exactly Romeo’s strength and where you can find your success, as he has already proven on the international stage.[Go to website](
Welcome at the Discovery Center
As Romeo Sommers says: Green gives you energy and oxygen and people find it attractive. Not just in the green sector since other sectors are increasingly discovering the power of green and are starting to use it. Green is gaining a more a more prominent role, on both the national and international stage. You have to use it within your business in a way that gets noticed. That is where your success lies and that is Romeo’s expertise.
Floritec: Celosia
[Go to exhibitor profile]( As specialist in breeding pot celosia's from cuttings, breeder Floritec now has no less than three series with a wide range in colours and shapes. Celosia Twisted, Cellosia Intenz and Celosia Floriosa. Suitable for both indoor, as well as outdoor use. All top market segment quality and ready to bring joy to many consumers!
Diderk Heinje Pflanzenhandel GmbH & Co. KG
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Air So Pure
[Go to exhibitor profile]( Air So Pure plants convert CO2 into oxygen and purify the air of harmful gases. In a healthier indoor climate, we feel more vital, are fitter and perform better. Multiple studies have proven that indoor plants keep you healtier and happier offering both psychological and fysical health benefits. Resulting in lower stress and anxiety.
Royal Flora Holland: Runaway Bride
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Cultivaris GmbH
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Royal Flora Holland: Gerbera Smeagol
[Go to exhibitor profile]( The Gerbera Smeagol is a unique appearance. A special twist of nature, created in our selection greenhouse. Smeagol is characterized by the hard, slightly curled petals that remind you of the appearance of an artichoke or a cactus, with a bright purple/pink wreath in the middle. The hard, sand-colored petals give the gerbera a special 'vintage' look. The dark heart provides a nice color contrast. This gerbera offers many new application possibilities. Moreover, Smeagol has a very long shelf life and can be kept in the vase for up to three weeks.
Royal Flora Holland: Tillandsia capitata
[Go to exhibitor profile]( Tillandsia capitata is a species in the genus Tillandsia belonging to the Bromeliad family. Originally it is native to Mexico, Honduras, Cuba and the Dominican Republic, among others. Tillandsia capitata is actually available in many colors and variants and therefore widely applicable. Being an epiphyte by nature, it does not need the roots for growth. This plant can therefore also be used as a so-called air tillandsia or airplant. The plant already has an ornamental value as an air plant because it is available in many color shades, from green to dark red and also with soft gray leaves that extend to pink. This makes it a very easy to care for and rewarding houseplant. This variant is particularly distinctive in the dark leaf color, which changes to a beautiful bright orange color in the bract.
Royal Flora Holland: Celosia Hot Topic Reef
[Go to exhibitor profile]( The ‘Coral Reef’ Celosia is part of the ‘Coral’ range and is absolutely unique as it is the very first bicoloured Celosia. The wavy shape of this colourful flower transports you to the most beautiful coral reefs and brings the enchanting feeling of life deep under water straight to the living room or terrace. Enjoy this colourful sensation!
Pellens Hortensien: Hydrangea
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Heuger: Dancing Pixies® & Helleborus Gold Collection®
[Go to exhibitor profile]( Dancing Pixies®: Let's meet online! In line with the Dancing Pixies® concept "young & hip, with a dash of cheeky lightness", the website and the seasonal Instagram presence @crazyplant.ladies are also presented. In a humorous writing style, you will not only find plant facts, tips on care and do's & don'ts. Trendy DIY instructions and planting ideas with Dancing Pixies® for indoors and outdoors provide green inspiration!Helleborus Gold Collection®: Exciting and helpful information on the topic of "Blooming in winter with the Helleborus Gold Collection®" can be found on the website In the blog section and on Instagram @crazyplant.ladies, we regularly provide information about current trends with Helleborus and seasonal care. Atmospheric decoration and planting ideas can be found in the DIY section, and many interesting facts about Helleborus can be found in the "Plant Knowledge" section.
Heuger: Helleborus Gold Collection®
[Go to exhibitor profile]( Enchanting winter bloomers - The varieties of the Helleborus Gold Collection® are hardy, long-lived and easy-care perennials for the garden. They are equally well suited for planting in containers on balconies and terraces, and provide flowering splendor in winter, even in cold and snowy conditions. With the wide range of colors in the Ice N' Roses® series, winter is now colorful!
Royal Flora Holland: Veronica Smart Wave
[Go to exhibitor profile]( The Veroncia Smart Wave has a white flower that consists of several white spikelets. The beautiful main flower is reminiscent of a white sparkling water wave.
Royal Flora Holland: Veronica Smart Splash
[Go to exhibitor profile]( The Veronica Smart Splash has several Lilac spikes that look like a water splash. This Veronica is a beautiful main flower in a bouquet.
Royal Flora Holland: Veronica Smart Fountain
[Go to exhibitor profile]( This Veronica has a blue-purple flower that consists of several spikelets that looks like a Fountain.
Royal Flora Holland: Green Jewel
[Go to exhibitor profile]( Hydroponie products, Hydroponics Growing plants in water. Perhaps you have seen it before with a hyacinth bulb in a glass, where you could see the roots. Or maybe when cuttings from a plant, where roots develop in water. These are really just forms of Hydroponics.
Royal Flora Holland: Celosia Wild Purple
[Go to exhibitor profile]( The Celosia ‘Wild’ is exactly what the name suggests: a pure, uninhibited and untamed Celosia as it would grow in the wild. Selected for their suitability for gardens, borders and pots, they guarantee a splash of colour in every garden. This pure power is accompanied by variations in shape and size that further underline the natural feel. Celosia ‘Wild’: Pure Nature. What makes Celosia ‘Wild’ a sustainable choice?
Royal Flora Holland: Cuddly Cactus
[Go to exhibitor profile]( Exclusive Cuddly Cactus has the special feature that it does not wear needles. Cuddly Cactus is a stylish, modern and trendy cactus. Cuddly Cactus with its soft character is also ideal for households with children or pets.
Royal Flora Holland: Fusion hydrangea
[Go to exhibitor profile]( Flowers for at least 5 months. Color through in 4 different shades during the 4 seasons. Grows back as a more branched hydrangea after the color through period. This makes the product circular and therefore environmentally friendly.
Kientzler: Heat experts
[Go to exhibitor profile]( In the light of a changing climate and extreme weather phenomena like drought periods, the selection of plants for the home garden seems to become more and more challenging. Kientzler HITZEPROFIS (Heat experts) are selected plants, that keep thriving and looking good, even during longer periods of heat and drought. In addition our HITZEPROFIS are easy to care plants, which have a good tolerance against heat and drought, when they are established in the ground. A positive aspect is the fact that most of these plants are also good pollinators.
Vergroen je Leven
[Go to exhibitor profile]( What is the mission of tegeltje groen? Due to all the petrification of cities in the world, we are dealing with flooding and heat stress. By encouraging everyone to replacing tiles for green plants, you contribute to a better world. After all, green is good for you. With a tile of Green, we make it accessible and fun for everybody. Every tile counts.
[Go to exhibitor profile]( The key role of plants and trees in this modern time makes our sector more relevant than ever before. In the Green Trend Report 2022-2023, Floramedia, the elho group and Royal Lemkes uncover the strategic opportunities that current and future trends offer the horticultural community.
[Go to exhibitor profile]( The key role of plants and trees in this modern time makes our sector more relevant than ever before. In the Green Trend Report 2022-2023, Floramedia, the elho group and Royal Lemkes uncover the strategic opportunities that current and future trends offer the horticultural community.
Our trade fair concepts are characterized by perfection in craftsmanship and are based on comprehensive consultation. We offer all services that are important for a 360 degree trade fair construction. Since 1993 we approach your projects and wishes with passion and professionalism, as we did recently with the IPM Discovery Center.